To live stream on mobile, you’ll need:
- At least 50 subscribers.
- No live streaming restrictions within the last 90 days on your channel.
- To verify your channel.
- To enable live streaming. You may need to wait 24 hours before you can start your first live stream.
- An Android 5.0+ device.
If you have under 1,000 subscribers
To help make YouTube a safe community for everyone, we may limit the number of viewers on your mobile live stream, and your archived live stream will be set to private by default.
Why is my mobile live stream’s audience limited?
To help aspiring creators while protecting the community, we've created safeguards to limit the spread of potentially harmful content.
What happens after I get 1,000 subscribers?
After reaching 1,000 subscribers, it may take several weeks to remove the mobile live streaming audience limitation. If your subscriber count decreases during this time then it may take longer.
If your channel goes below 1,000 subscribers, you will have the same audience limitation as when your channel had less than 1,000 subscribers. You won’t lose access to mobile live streaming unless your channel goes below 50 subscribers.
Create & schedule a mobile live stream
- On your phone or tablet, open the YouTube app.
- At the bottom, tap Create Create a live stream on mobile Go live.
- For your first mobile live stream: Starting your first live stream may take up to 24 hours. Once enabled, you can live stream instantly.
- Follow the steps to create a live stream.
- For users aged 13-17 on YouTube, your default mobile live stream privacy setting is set to unlisted. If you’re 18 or over, your default mobile live stream privacy setting is set to public. All users can change this setting to make their live stream public, private, or unlisted.
- To schedule for later, tap More options.
- To set options for live chat, age restriction, monetization, and more, tap More options Show more. Then tap Next.
- To stream your phone’s screen, tap Create channel Share screen .
- Tap Go live.
- To end your stream, tap Finish. An archive of the stream will be created on your channel. You can edit the privacy setting or delete the archive at any time.
Start a scheduled mobile live stream
- On your phone or tablet, open the YouTube app.
- Tap Create Go live.
- Tap Calendar Select your live stream.
Note: You can delete scheduled live streams by pressing the delete button. - Tap Go live.